Oct 2014


What's up? Was a bit busy the past couple of months with life outside of poker. Fell in love with a chick. She isnt so sure about me being the one yet but I'll prove to her that I am even if she doesn't know it yet lol. My life for the past 2 months was much more eventful than the previous 2 years combined. That sounds kinda sad doesnt it? Haha but its ok. I feel happier and fulfilled. Life is more than just about goals. It's about love for friends, family and your lover as well. Its about finding a higher cause other than yourself. Self-actualization and contribution. Pokerwise I tried some MTTs working from the ground up trying to pattern acoimbra's success. I have a pretty decent ROI but due to power outtages here in my country Im rather unsure if I can grind that up onto the higher stakes because I'd be losing buy-ins left and right. Not to worry though because I revisited my old love for 6max hyperturbos  and yeah Im doing pretty decent now and that includes the few bad runs. Slowly, I am erasing my negative ROI which means I am a winning player in the long run. I plan to dedicate my poker journey to fellow hikikomoris like me...the struggling basement bums, diaosi, or whatever you want to call yourself. I'll just have to reach 250k first so I can have some credibility. I'll show to the world that all you need is Optimism, Passion and Hard Work in changing your life for the better in whatever area you choose. Once I reach that milestone I'll make a youtube channel and write a book(free pdf,mobi,epub) detailing all the useful tidbits of knowledge that proved useful in my journey i.e. exercise routine, books to read, videos to watch, philosophies to adapt..Today is the birthday of my highschool crush as well lol. Happy birthday Angela. I'm sure you've already forgotten about me but I cant forget about your birthday somehow :P

Poker Stars VIP Status:
[x] ChromeStar
[x] SilverStar
[x] GoldStar
[ ] PlatinumStar
[ } Supernova
[ ] SupernovaElite

 Lifetime BR:
[x] 100
[ ] 1k
[ ] 10k
[ ] 100k
[ ] 250k
[ ] 1M

July 2014


Not much has happened. Didnt run too deep in the micromillions series. Still grinding 1.50 SNGs and its kinda breakeven. I use the SNG winnings to fund my daily MTTs. Also doing NoFap but kinda hard. I keep on relapsing.Oh yeah I bought these. Perfect Pushup Elite and Tired of Being Tired. Thats about it for July.  I'll just keep on going as usual...

June 2014


Had a good run on an MTT. I needed that BR boost for the terrible results to follow. I was up by 200 then down to around 300-400 from my Sunday Storm hypergrinding. The sample size is still less than 10k hands but it really makes me doubt if I can even be a 1% ROI player in this format. It seems I suck out quite lesser than when people suck out on me. I dont even have that much of a suck out opportunity to begin with because Im usually ahead pre. I often read the ranges right but the board is just brutal. Made +EV calls but lost a lot of 60/40. But if it really was that then why are my results not reflecting as a slightly +EV player. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm not even sure if I want to maintain Goldstar this coming July. If I am to end up -400 bucks again thats like going back to zero. As far as I know I think my play is close to perfect and that's what worries me. If I think I made very few mistakes then I might be oblivious to something significant. It could be my bubble play or whatever. It's just lame to always blame it on running bad. So yeah I still have some dough to experiment with but I'm just not so sure on how to proceed from here to reach my goals. Sigh I'm a smart guy but in the real world its all about results...

May 2014


Didn't play real money Just farmed a bit of play money. Gonna grind again this coming month though. Shout out to heahh :)

April 2014


Busto. Hmm where to begin? That 75 bucks I started at the beginning of the month whittled down to 60 from 1.50 USD 6max hypers. From there I decided to revisit ZOOM 6max cash games and built that up to around 90 bucks then came back tumbling down to 60 again. Being the genius that I am and for utter boredom I went ahead and played teh Sunday Storm Satellites which cost 3.68+0.07 USD per pop. So I had like less than 20 BIs to begin with. That's very disciplined BR management there I know. Needless to say I lost a few starting rounds and was in the 20+ USD range but ran good and suddenly I had 100+ T$ in a few hours. More ups and downs and I was about to finish the month at least breakeven then 2 days ago everything went wrong. Got sucked out on, got coolered pre, leaky bad low Ax SB calls vs readless BTN shoves, overplayed UTG shoves hoping to fold everyone close to teh bubble, extremely few suckouts going my way, and pretty much everything you can think of. On a positive note, even though I didn't use a poker tracking software yet(I plan to play HUDless for life), I know I just had more bad beats than bad play. My plan right now is to come back with at least 100 BIs for teh hypers and study each and every hand I get involved in with http://www.icmpoker.com/. I still have a long way to go to reach acoimbra's and jorj95's level but with hard work and some luck I'll get there.

Deposited and lost 20+100+20+20 since I started playing at stars. I thought the 100 was gonna be my last deposit .That was like a year ago when I planned to turn that into 1k USD and proceed further. Unfortunately the path has proved to be much harder than my play money wealth.The 2 twenties this month were my feeble attempt to have another shot at the hypers hoping I dont have a busto month. Oh well lol. I'll be back with 500 or so. This is the path I chose to reach enough capital for my passive income plan so I have to face the consequences and be as leak-free as possible. Each tiny +EV point I get matters greatly in teh long run. I'll end this post with a Napoleon Hill quote of the day that for some reason I feel was written directly for me.

"When the going is hardest, just keep on keeping on, and you’ll get there sooner than someone who finds the going easy."

"If you think achieving great heights of success will be easy, you either don’t understand at all how the process works or you have your sights set too low. Reaching the top of any field is difficult, time-consuming, and often tedious. The reason it isn’t crowded at the top is that most people won’t do the things that are necessary to achieve success. They are all too willing to give up when the going gets tough. If you need inspiration to persevere, read the biographies of men and women who have achieved greatness in their lives. You will find that they prevailed because they refused to quit. They continued to toil alone long after the masses had given up and gone home."

You can find more of these awesome quotes daily at his page.

Always remember you're only a poker degenerate if you're losing. lol :)

March 2014


Dabbled in hyper 6max and HUSNG a bit and ended up with just around 75 bucks left on my BR. It was a shaky wave that plummeted to 40 and peaked at around 140. Bottom line is I failed to reach this month's goal of reaching 200 to start taking stabs at $3 games. Oh well it is what is. Just got to keep going forward. Plan for April is to read all the books in my book list and be more organized/disciplined. Just finished The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle and halfway through The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I'll finish it before I go to bed.
I do have a long-term financial plan in mind already and I hope to amass enough money this year to reach that lifetime BR goal. Short-term goal would be to improve my win-rate via studying in a more focused way and improve my volume. I will do this by watching specific video courses tailored to the current games I'll be dealing with for awhile. I will also be reading non-poker books relevant to learning and goal achievement as a whole. While I do accept that my play is far from perfect yet and possibly full of leaks there was a lot of variance this month. I guess its normal for hypers especially for HUSNG. On the bright side, at least I can play HU now unlike when I first started playing I avoided it altogether because it really intimidated me. Another thing is that I tilt a lot less now. Aces getting cracked pre dont even make me shrug my shoulders anymore lol. Have I finally reached poker nirvana? Nah, its more likely due to being in the microstakes territory. Let's see how tough I am when I reach the 1k buy-ins or even 100 lol. At this point in my life all I can do is go on. If I stop now then I have to go back to school and maybe become a lawyer like my dad which I absolutely hate. 9-5 is shyt. Those douche bosses and sheep employees can shoot themselves. Of course with that statement its fairly obvious Im not suited for the typical work environment. Poker is my ticket to achieve my perpetuity. Just imagine your life if you have 2.5m USD or even just 250k USD earning you 9-10% after taxes. Wouldn't that be sweet? You get free 250k or 25k in a year respectively. If you use that for further asset accumulation like real estate you don't have to work ever again and it will be bitches bitches bitches. jk lol. I just want the freedom to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want with whoever I want. I feel like my real life is on hold until I get to that point. Anyway till next time and good luck at the tables.

Who said it could not be done? And tell me what great victories does he have to his credit which qualifies him to judge what can and can't be accomplished. -Napoleon Hill

Feb 2014


As Tony Robbins would say, the past does not equal the future. I certainly hope so huehue. It was going good for awhile until I reverted to my aggro monkey tendencies and calling river shoves too much with non-nutty hands. This just doesnt work at 5NL ZOOM so I'm down to 20 buy-ins instead of being up by 30. Oh well at least I didnt bust out...yet. God forbid, if he exists. Well, I really have some soul-searching to do in March and the coming months. Kinda torn where to proceed from here you know. PLO, 6max NLHE or FR, maybe even MTTs. Poker knowledge is basically out there. All I have to do is choose my area of specialization and study it immensely. As far as my options for role models with a proven track record are concerned, they would be Felix Schneiders for 6max NLHE ZOOM grinding, Shaun Deeb for Sit n Goes, André Coimbra for MTTs and Roy Bhasin for PLO. This March I'll focus more on studying instead of grinding. I'll just get some fish money from 2NL and downgrade to Silverstar status. My BR and current skill level isnt good enough to maintain Goldstar without stressing myself too much. Reading through Viktor Blom's poker journey inspired me though. He had a lot of ups and downs since he started. Anyway here is my poker milestone list. I intend to accomplish them as fast as I can but I'm not sure how long it will take lol. I'll just do my best.

 Poker Stars VIP Status:
[x] ChromeStar
[x] SilverStar
[x] GoldStar
[ ] PlatinumStar
[ } Supernova
[ ] SupernovaElite

 BR or Cashout Total:
[x] 100
[ ] 1k
[ ] 10k
[ ] 100k
[ ] 250k
[ ] 1M

And so it begins


My real poker journey starts here. First things first.  I have to make this blog look decent at least then gotta figure out how to get HM2 started with this postgresql shit.
My short term goal would be to grind my current BR at PokerStars to around 1k USD so I can avail of deposit bonuses from other sites later. The first one I'm gonna have a go at would be 888poker. They have their own variant of ZOOM as well and its called Snap poker. Hope the fish are as plenty as the poker review sites say and hope cashouts are a breeze too. After trying ZOOM I can't really go back to regular tables. Sure it's easier to cooler people there but it's just so damn slow. I'd rather have 4 tables of ZOOM than 20+ of regular tables. It's much less of a hassle switching from table to table considering I only have a 19" monitor. Anyway I've been stagnating at 5NL 6max for quite awhile now. Generally I played FR a lot before but meh the action is a lot faster at 6max and its just a lot more dynamic compared to FR where every big pot I get involved in is more of a cooler. Grinding daily has been burning me out but I gotta work on my theory as well. Need to watch more videos and master the thought process of the big dogs.