Dabbled in hyper 6max and HUSNG a bit and ended up with just around 75 bucks left on my BR. It was a shaky wave that plummeted to 40 and peaked at around 140. Bottom line is I failed to reach this month's goal of reaching 200 to start taking stabs at $3 games. Oh well it is what is. Just got to keep going forward. Plan for April is to read all the books in my book list and be more organized/disciplined. Just finished The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle and halfway through The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I'll finish it before I go to bed.
I do have a long-term financial plan in mind already and I hope to amass enough money this year to reach that lifetime BR goal. Short-term goal would be to improve my win-rate via studying in a more focused way and improve my volume. I will do this by watching specific video courses tailored to the current games I'll be dealing with for awhile. I will also be reading non-poker books relevant to learning and goal achievement as a whole. While I do accept that my play is far from perfect yet and possibly full of leaks there was a lot of variance this month. I guess its normal for hypers especially for HUSNG. On the bright side, at least I can play HU now unlike when I first started playing I avoided it altogether because it really intimidated me. Another thing is that I tilt a lot less now. Aces getting cracked pre dont even make me shrug my shoulders anymore lol. Have I finally reached poker nirvana? Nah, its more likely due to being in the microstakes territory. Let's see how tough I am when I reach the 1k buy-ins or even 100 lol.
At this point in my life all I can do is go on. If I stop now then I have to go back to school and maybe become a lawyer like my dad which I absolutely hate. 9-5 is shyt. Those douche bosses and sheep employees can shoot themselves. Of course with that statement its fairly obvious Im not suited for the typical work environment. Poker is my ticket to achieve my perpetuity. Just imagine your life if you have 2.5m USD or even just 250k USD earning you 9-10% after taxes. Wouldn't that be sweet? You get free 250k or 25k in a year respectively. If you use that for further asset accumulation like real estate you don't have to work ever again and it will be bitches bitches bitches. jk lol. I just want the freedom to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want with whoever I want. I feel like my real life is on hold until I get to that point. Anyway till next time and good luck at the tables.
Who said it could not be done? And tell me what great victories does he have to his credit which qualifies him to judge what can and can't be accomplished. -Napoleon Hill