Feb 2014


As Tony Robbins would say, the past does not equal the future. I certainly hope so huehue. It was going good for awhile until I reverted to my aggro monkey tendencies and calling river shoves too much with non-nutty hands. This just doesnt work at 5NL ZOOM so I'm down to 20 buy-ins instead of being up by 30. Oh well at least I didnt bust out...yet. God forbid, if he exists. Well, I really have some soul-searching to do in March and the coming months. Kinda torn where to proceed from here you know. PLO, 6max NLHE or FR, maybe even MTTs. Poker knowledge is basically out there. All I have to do is choose my area of specialization and study it immensely. As far as my options for role models with a proven track record are concerned, they would be Felix Schneiders for 6max NLHE ZOOM grinding, Shaun Deeb for Sit n Goes, André Coimbra for MTTs and Roy Bhasin for PLO. This March I'll focus more on studying instead of grinding. I'll just get some fish money from 2NL and downgrade to Silverstar status. My BR and current skill level isnt good enough to maintain Goldstar without stressing myself too much. Reading through Viktor Blom's poker journey inspired me though. He had a lot of ups and downs since he started. Anyway here is my poker milestone list. I intend to accomplish them as fast as I can but I'm not sure how long it will take lol. I'll just do my best.

 Poker Stars VIP Status:
[x] ChromeStar
[x] SilverStar
[x] GoldStar
[ ] PlatinumStar
[ } Supernova
[ ] SupernovaElite

 BR or Cashout Total:
[x] 100
[ ] 1k
[ ] 10k
[ ] 100k
[ ] 250k
[ ] 1M

And so it begins


My real poker journey starts here. First things first.  I have to make this blog look decent at least then gotta figure out how to get HM2 started with this postgresql shit.
My short term goal would be to grind my current BR at PokerStars to around 1k USD so I can avail of deposit bonuses from other sites later. The first one I'm gonna have a go at would be 888poker. They have their own variant of ZOOM as well and its called Snap poker. Hope the fish are as plenty as the poker review sites say and hope cashouts are a breeze too. After trying ZOOM I can't really go back to regular tables. Sure it's easier to cooler people there but it's just so damn slow. I'd rather have 4 tables of ZOOM than 20+ of regular tables. It's much less of a hassle switching from table to table considering I only have a 19" monitor. Anyway I've been stagnating at 5NL 6max for quite awhile now. Generally I played FR a lot before but meh the action is a lot faster at 6max and its just a lot more dynamic compared to FR where every big pot I get involved in is more of a cooler. Grinding daily has been burning me out but I gotta work on my theory as well. Need to watch more videos and master the thought process of the big dogs.